Monday, March 1, 2010

things sarah does that I find humorous...

While in class next to me she leans over and whispers, "You smell like Jolly Ranchers. I want Jolly Ranchers... do you have one for me?" --- uh no, Sarah, I have not put a Jolly Rancher in my mouth for months.

While sitting in class next to me, she chooses to EMAIL me, rather than just talk to me.

While saying, "Nuh, uh. I'm NORMAL." Her face screws up in lines and wrinkles. She waves her hands frantically to stress her point. Definitely Normal.

She multi-tasks. She can chew her gum, hunched over and staring at her screen intently, and type all at the same time. Oh, and while moving her head to the beat of a song she is singing to herself. While sitting in class next to me.

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